So you have just received your online gallery now what?

Here is some helpful information on how to download your gallery.

Download Sizes

Digital Downloads are available in two sizes: Web Size (640px, 1024px, or 2048px), and HighResolution (3600px or Original Size).

The Web Size files are much smaller and therefore are faster to download and upload! They are ideal for sharing on Social Media, or for quick viewing.

High Resolution photos can either have a maximum long edge of 3600px which can be used to print photos up to poster size canvases (depending on the Original file's starting dimensions), and are more than sufficient for web use OR be offered in Original Size. Original size files are the unaltered, original images that were uploaded to Pixieset. 

How do I share or download my favorited images?

Once you have compiled a list of your favourite images, you can easily viewshare, or download them from the Gallery.

You can navigate to the Favorite list by clicking on the Heart icon at the top right corner of the Gallery, and entering your email address. After clicking into a Favorite List, you will see the available options for sharing and downloading at the right side of the navigation bar. 

You can click on the Download icon at the top right corner to bring up the download options.

You will then be brought to the download page, where they you can enter your email address, along with the 4-digit download PIN (this is the same PIN used for gallery download), to generate the download.

Downloading photos to mobile devices...

  • Gallery download (downloading the entire gallery) will be downloaded as a .zip file. The steps to unzip the folder and obtaining the files will depend on the device used. 
  • Single photo downloads (downloading photos one at a time) will be downloaded as individual images which then can be saved to the camera roll directly. These smaller sizes are okay for social media sharing but please do not use these for printing.